Invite an organisation to merge
If you are an administrator for an organisation, you can invite another organisation to become part of your organisation.
Important Note
This will add all members of the invited organisation as members of your organisation, giving them access to all organisation data (all applications, consents, contacts and templates).
Consider adding individuals as participants on applications instead, if you want only to collaborate on applications.
You cannot undo an organisation merge.
When the administrator of an invited organisation accepts your invitation:
all members of the invited organisation become members of the host organisation - members do not need to be invited individually
the invited organisation's administrators become members of the host organisation but they do not have the administrator role in the host organisation
the invited organisation's applications, consents, contacts and templates are merged into the host organisation's records
any deactivated user profiles for members of the invited organisation are merged into the deactivated user profiles in the host organisation
any pending invitations for the invited organisation are merged into the pending invitations in the host organisation
Organisation from the left navigation to open your Organisation page.
Select Actions | + Invite organisation to open the Invite organisation to merge dialog.
You must provide the email address for a member of the organisation who has the administrator role.
Select Next to view details of the invited organisation and the organisation's administrators.
Select Invite.
Objective Build invites the organisation and notifies the organisation's administrators. The invitation is listed in that organisation's Organisation | Requests page. You can see the invitation in your Organisation | Invited to join page as Pending.